Saturday, 23 January 2010

Happy 101 Tag

The lovely Ally from Fancykazoo gave me the Happy 101 award and I would like to thanks her very much as it is my first award, yay!
The rules:
Post 10 things that make you happy and do at least 1 of them today.
Link back to the person who sent you the award
Pass onto 10 bloggers who's blogs make you happy
1. My Honey! Yes I know that is a soppy thing to call him, but it started as a joke when we first got together and just kinda stuck! He makes me very happy and I can't imagine being without him now.

2. Wedding plans! Our wedding is only 15 weeks away (so my mother reminded me lots tonight!) and I'm getting ever so excited about it all. Hopefully all will go to plan and it will be the perfect day I have been dreaming of and planning for the last year.
(No that is not my dress, but it was one of the inspiration photos!!)
3. My baby! Miss Tipsy is my bunny. Jon bought her for me for my 21st birthday and she is lovely if a little mental (have you ever heard of a bunny who barks and growls? Well she does!)
4. Listening to the rain. Our flat is in the roof space so we can hear the rain pitterpattering on the roof and I love it. Also while walking under a brolly or sleeping in a tent!
5. Films. Any kind I'm totally obsessed, I love to watch a good film. Hense the reason I want to get a job in the film/TV world.
6. Sushi. A newish love that stared about 6 months ago, but I can't get enough of the stuff!
7.My besties. I have a few I shant name and shame but they make life all that more fun!
8. Canada/Scotland. I know those are 2 different places but I love both. I have my Godmother in Scotland and my Aunt in Canada and I adore both countries. There is just something about Canada that is so chilled and so differnet to life in the UK. But Edinburgh is my fav city ever I think, the people are so nice, it's so lively and fun and just great in everyway. The only 2 places I would ever live if I ever left Wales!
(Canada: Niagra Falls Revolving restaurant with my sis and Aunt)

9. Being creative. This is just speaking in general terms. I love to be creative and have been able to turn my hand to a number of different crafts and projects. I need creativity in my life or I get bored! I want a job where I can be creative and hate being stuck somewhere that requires no creativity at all, like the pub!

(2 of my art journal pages from last year)
10. Fancy Dress. Any reason is a good reason for fancy dress! Its fun! Lol! You can see pics on a few of my many costumes here.

So I would like to give this to Kristen, Valencia, Michelle, Patty Ann, Marissa, Daisychain, Charlotte Lucy, Nadine, Coco and Little Rascal

Don't forget to enter this weeks giveaway!

Daisymay XOXO

p.s found another vintage evening dress today so it will be up in the shop next week. Im hoping to have an etsy store soon, once it decides to accept my card!!

 photo homeeee_zps214aed0e.jpg


  1. Congrats! :D I love all your answers! Your bunny is so cute!! <3
    P.S. I'm having my 1st giveaway, if you want to check it out! :)

  2. Sorry but I never do any tags.

  3. There is so much fabulous excitement in wedding planning! Love the inspiration pic!

  4. amazing pic of the restaurant.


Thanks for reading. please leave comments as they really make my day, and I try to visit every one of your blogs too!

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