What's your name and where do you come from?
Keiko Lynn - born and raised in Florida, but currently living in Brooklyn, NY.
What's your blog name and why did you name it that?
It's my name, Keiko Lynn. I guess I'm just not very original!
How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
Technically, I've been blogging for a very long time - since I was a young teen. I used to write on Open Diary, then LiveJournal. About a year and a half ago, I switched to my current blog. My previous blogs were just random stream of consciousness, venting, pictures from my daily life, and updates about my clothing line (Postlapsaria). This one is a little more fashion focused. It has been an evolution of sorts.
What's your everyday job?
I have an independent clothing line, Postlapsaria.
How would you describe your style?
Quirky, feminine, youthful. I like to dress up, even for the most mundane occasions.
What/who inspires your fashion choices?
Most of my inspiration is indirect or unintentional, I suppose, since I always have a hard time finding an answer to this question. I look to the past for inspiration, quite often. Which makes sense, because I love vintage clothing.
Do you believe in following trends?
I believe that trends play an important role in the fashion industry, but I will never follow a trend just to be trendy. If I like something, I wear it. If I don't, I won't.
Where do you stand on high street copy cats of designer pieces?
Copying someone else's hard work is undeniably a morally corrupt practice, but I am pretty neutral on the consumer's end of things. If someone can afford a designer piece and wants it for the quality and design, they are not going to buy the knock off, they are going to buy the real thing. The people who are buying knock-offs are the people who can't afford the real thing, or wouldn't pay for it even if they
could. It's not taking away potential customers; it's just creating watered down products for the mass consumers.
Most of you wear vintage items, do you have a favourite type of item you look for or is there a specific era you like?
I'm partial to the 50s and early 60s, when nipped in waists and fuller skirts were in fashion. I don't have a super defined waist, so I like to bring it in a bit.
What's the most memorable outfit you have ever worn?
Last year, I wore a beautiful 50s cocktail dress to the IFB dress up soiree, along with a 20s necklace that my mom bought for me. That is one of my favorite dresses, and my absolute favorite necklace.
Have you ever made a really bad fashion faux paux?
Look at the beginning of my blog; there are plenty:)
Do you have a favourite designer or new emerging designer?
As an independent designer myself, I have to recommend other independents. My favorites are Supayana and Norwegian Wood.
What one items couldn't you live without?
Makeup: MAC mineralize skinfinishes, MAC fluidline Fashion: flesh colored undergarments!
Whats your style tip for this season?
In the summer, I love popsicle stained lips (from a lip stain, of course) and rosy cheeks. Benefit Benetint is practically a one stop beauty tool for that look!
If you could have any celebrity wardrobe who's would it be and why?
Iris Apfel - have you seen her collection?
Who are your favourite bloggers?
Most of my favorite bloggers aren't directly fashion related: Aura
Joon http://aurajoon.blogspot.com/ Tea and Letter
http://www.teaandletter.com and The Essential Man
http://theessentialman.tumblr.com/ are some of my favorites.
I also die over smitten kitchen! I want her to come and live with me, and cook all of my meals.
What is your favourite Fashion Magazine, and is there a specific reason?
Even though I'm no longer a teen, I love Teen Vogue. I think it's a lot more accessible than its grown-up counterpart, and always fresh. And of course, like every other girl on the planet, I die over Lula.
Is there any models/photographers/clothes store/etsy store/online
store (generally aything) you love right now?
Whimsy and Spice on Etsy for their delicious baked goods, Dear Golden on Etsy for vintage.
What one tip would you give to new fashion bloggers now that you have a successful blog?
Focus on your content and network! It takes time, patience, and a lot of work to gain a following.
The quick fire round
Tea or Coffee? Tea! Iced tea, specifically.
Cupcakes or doughnuts? both. Give me all of them.
Chocolate ice cream or strawberry? Chocolate.
Cats or Dogs? I have both! But I guess in general, I'm more of a dog person.
PC or Mac? Mac! All the way.
Soaps or Reality? Reality.
Books or Films? Books.
Up North or Down South? North for the politics, south for the sweet tea and sunshine.
Summer or Winter? Summer
Prada or Gucci? Prada
Single or Taken? taken
Heels or Flats? heels
Sweet or Salty? sweet, then salty
Masculine or Feminine? feminine
Early Mornings or Late nights? late nights
Stunning isn't she?
Thanks for answering my questions Keiko!
If you missed my first 2 days in my '7 Wonders' feature find them all here.
And enter my giveaway here, for a chance to win Nars, Lancome and Eyeko products.
Daisymay X
you definitely have found some gems, i love her!
ReplyDeleteOoooh I love Keikos blog....I read it often and her style and designs are amazing...great blog post by the way :)
ReplyDeleteLaura x
I love her style!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! <3
ReplyDeleteThank you for the feature, and the kind words!