I finally have time to get in on another FBFF post. This one is hosted by our founder Katy over at Modly Chic, so nip over there if you want to see what everyone else is reading.
This weeks theme is totally un-fashion based, which is cool for a bit of a change. We are actually discussing what we are reading/have read. So here are the last 5 books I have read/am currently reading.
Mini Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella
Just started this, but it's a super easy read. I have read the rest of the Shopaholic collection and I can say this one is just as good.

Jilted Generation: How Britain has bankrupted its youth - Ed Howker & Shiv Malik
This is an on going read as I only read a little at a time, but it is a very interesting and informative book, even though some of the stats freak me out and make me angry. Worth a read if you are part of the Jilted Generation (post 1979)

City of Bones (Book 1: The Mortal Instruments) - Cassandra Clare
Another Vampire/Fantasy series. The first book in the Mortal Instruments trilogy, I did enjoy it, but it was a little slow, so I have taken a break before I read the next book in the collection.

The Cry of the Go-Away Bird - Andrea Eames
As I know Andrea via the blog world (A Cat of Impossible Colour) I thought it was about time I read her debut book. And truthfully I loved it. Definitely a good read, easy going but still quite deep in parts.

Shame - Jasvinder Sanghera
I had been bought the 'Daughters of Shame' a while ago and final got around to reading it a few months back. I didn't know it was the second book from this author until I started reading it, so once finished I got my hands on the first book 'Shame' which is a brilliant book. Haunting and shockingly real (as its a biography) it is a smack of reality and so touching.

Read any good books recently?
Daisymay X
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