It's friday again, yay! And as I am more or less on the ball today, here is this weeks Friend Friday post.
It's a nice easy one on Fashion Do's and Don'ts so it's gonna be a fairly quick post.
1. What do you think are some of the top fashion don’ts? (Things you would never be caught dead in and cringe when other people wear them.)
I don't really believe in do's and don'ts when it comes to fashion as it is all a matter of how the person wears something and how their personality or confidence allows them to carry it off.
For me, personally, I would never wear Harem Pants, Jeggins, Tracksuits or neon colours. But it's just a personal thing really, because they don't suit me at all.
2. What previous fashion don’t do you now wear with pride?
I will happily wear 2 items of denim. The whole double denim look can be done right and I have done posts on it in the past. See here and here. Plus I enjoy mixing patterns as long as they aren't both too bright. Ill also do the whole brown and black thing now (which I wouldn't of in the past) and red and green (which I have always liked!) Nothing really major though I suppose
3. Do you think there is a universal fashion do?
Only that you should wear what makes you happy and what you feel confident in and ignore what anyone else has to say.
4. What items lately, either recently in style or coming in now, do you think should never make it off the retail shelves?
Well as I said I don't think harem pants and jeggings should never have been allowed into stores, they flatter very few people! I'm always amazed that shredded and torn stuff sells or anything lycra and shiny! But apart from that I have yet to see anything I truly hate.
5. In your opinion, is there any blogger, fashion icon, celebrity who some how manages to pull off some fashion don’ts and still look good?
As I don't technically believe in don'ts I can't really really say there is anyone in specific as there are lots of lovely ladies who manage to carry off things that I myself would never go near.
So that's all my answers, like I said short and sweet. What are your opinions of Fashion faux pas? See all the other Friend Friday post here.
I am slowly ticking things off my Day Zero challenge list. So why not check out my progress here.
I shall be doing a charity midnight walk tonight! 7 miles starting at midnight in Swansea, so wish me luck. I'm also off to London on Monday for a day trip with Jon. So I probably won't get to post much till Tuesday.
Daisymay X