Wednesday 11 August 2010

30 for 30 - Day 18

Ahh day 18! Im getting there, slowly! This is the final remix of the H&M dress mini-remix. This time I took a tip from Michelle that she mentioned on a previous outfit post. She said I could wear the skirt belted and high on my waist, so I did! What do you think? This is obviously the most drastic change for the dress as it just looks like a top in this remix.
Outfit made up of 16+18+28
16. H&M
18. Next
28. Mustang
Primark Tights
Vintage Bag
Aimi Boutique Pocket Watch Necklace
Internacionale Black Bow Ring

Photos were taken in an unused back stair case at the pub. Using Jons new flash! He is very happy with it so far, and has had lots of fun snapping away to practice.

Onto other things:
You may have noticed the poppy project flowers going on up there in the corner of my blog. Well Coach is giving away $2500 worth of coach items to whoevers poppy's bloom the most.
So I would love it if you guys could help me. All you have to do is tweet my hashtag along with the CoachPoppy one. Just like this "Grow, Poppy! Grow! #CoachPoppy #daisydayz25" You call also add a colour hashtag, like this '#yellow' to make my poppys more interesting!
To make it a little easier you can just click on the flowers to tweet easily!
Plus ladies you too can win. If you happen to see a coach bag amongst my poppies just click it to win a special prize!!
My giveaway ends tomorrow so if you havent entered yet just click here.
Plus my surprise ball swap arrived yesterday and you can see what I got by clicking here

I think thats all for today!

Daisymay X

 photo homeeee_zps214aed0e.jpg


  1. I love (and want!) that skirt. Great outfit!

  2. i love that outfit, good suggestion!

  3. oh, i love the little vintage bag :)
    i've been away visiting family, but now i'm back - i'll be sending you a little something in the mail, penpal :) and fellow rosebud :)

  4. I love how you look! Amazing. I love what you did with the skirt. Lovely!

    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  5. Love, love, love it! You look amazing! I love that dress as a top and that skirt is just gorgeous.

  6. You look so cute. I love the skirt. cool shoes also

  7. wuah.. your skirt is too cute!
    half way to go... :)

  8. I love it, this is by far one of my favorite outfits <3

  9. Very cute! What a fun place to shoot too. :)

  10. I love this look! Very cute :)

    Happy weekend xo

  11. cuteee skirt !! :D

  12. Love, love, love the chambray with this dressier skirt! Brilliant!


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