Thursday 28 October 2010

This weeks Links a la Mode!

I am very excited to again be able to say I made this weeks Links A La Mode list. This time for my post about the local exhibition I went to a few weeks ago. The 2 artists made headdresses inspired by women in the Welsh legends of the Mabinogion. As always check out the others on the list as there are lots of fun things this week thanks to halloween coming soon. Plus a special congrats to Closet Confections and Cute and Little One for getting the Friends Friday posts in the list again!

Costume Drama: A Break From All Things Outfit

Edited by: Holier than Now

It's the Halloween season, when some of us choose to experience the thrill (or horror) of looking nothing like ourselves for a night. For those of you who blog or socially post your outfits, perhaps it's a chance to take a break from the judgmental eye of the spotlight (consider Love Brown Sugar and One More's pieces on the subject) - one night where you turn in "looking good" for looking scary, time period-accurate, or just ... a little sexier than usual. Inspired? Find last minute costume inspiration from Tickle Me Chic and more.

And for those of us who don't celebrate the witching hour, there's still a chance to step away from the closet and remind ourselves that great lingerie, shoes, bags, and jewels can make even a white tee and jeans look scary good.

Links à la Mode: October 28th

  • A La Modest:7 Common Reactions to Style
  • Best of Bklyn: In Favor of Knickknacks - How to Personalize Your House Into A Home
  • Boheme Noir: The definitive IN/OUT list for Fall 2010 bags
  • Closet Confections: Fashion Bloggers Take On Product Placement:A Video Response
  • Cute and Little One: Product placement and blogger responsibility: a blogger's role in influencing product advertising.
  • Daisy Dayz: Inspiring locally-designed headwear
  • Fashion Cents: 3 Tips to Consider for Open-Toe Boots/Shoes for Fall
  • Fête à Fête: YSL's new Rouge Pur Couture lipsticks
  • Holier than Now: 11 Great Jewelry Sites You Might Not Know About
  • Hunting and Gathering: Why Classic Jewelry Never Goes out of Style
  • Independent Fashion Bloggers: Want to be a professional blogger?
  • Interrobangs Anonymous: On going grey in your twenties
  • Love Brown Sugar: Why Don't You Love Me? A curvy girl's ode to outfit posting on fashion communities
  • Miss Viki: AND_i captivating jewelry show coverage, with video
  • OK, Bowtie: Underneath: why everyone needs pretty underwear
  • One More: Does a bloggers dress size affect readership and is the blogging community becoming divided over it?
  • Ruby-Eyed Okapi: A Modest Approach to Halloween Costumes
  • Style Every Day: How to change that horrible mess of jewelry on your dresser to supreme organization
  • The Lingerie Addict: How to Buy Vintage Lingerie for the Perfect Pin-up Figure
  • Tickle Me Chic: Fashion-inspired Halloween Costumes
  • Vogue Mornings: Ten Tips for Achieving Work/Life Balance

    Daisymay X

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    1. thanks for sharing these links daisy may! happy halloween!

      definitely, maybe

    2. Oh, great! Thanks for sharing the links. I am really thinking of what to wear for Halloween and I think I'm already starting to look creepy in every outfit I wear lately. hehe :)

    3. Lots of lovely links to check out!


    4. these are great links !
      thanks for sharing them daisy :)

      glisters and blisters

    5. Yay for making Links a la Mode! I looooved that post about the hats - they just made me swoon.

    6. Can you tell me how to submit a post to this?


    Thanks for reading. please leave comments as they really make my day, and I try to visit every one of your blogs too!

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